Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pumpkin: Pet of the Month for August.

Pumpkin is our Pet of the Month for August. Here is what Pumpkin has to say...."My name is Pumpkin {Orange Tabby} and I'm 10 years old. My mom and dad tell everyone what a gentleman I am. I am happy and affectionate and love to cuddle, snuggle and give 'cat kisses' to my mom and dad. I also love my cat treats and have some every day. When the house doorbell rings, I run and hide under the bed. I don't want anyone taking me away from my nice home. One of my passions is to play with my small stuffed cat. I carry it around with my teeth and like to hide it. Another one of my favorite toys is 'glitter balls' which I love to chase them around and hide them all over the house. When I'm hungry, I put a glitter ball in my food dish so my mom and dad will know. I pray I'll always stay real cool and keep the secret feline rule, to NEVER tell a human that the world is really ruled by CATS! I purr, therefore I am........"

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