Monday, May 20, 2013

May Pet of the Month: Cocoa

I just love being on Facebook since my Mom sometimes thinks I have
been sneaking out to do modeling anyway. When she sees beautiful Himalayan's on TV
or in magazines; she is sure I have a secret career.

My favorite toys are shopping bags, boxes, and crackles toys......with catnip. ( I have to
confess..I do "nip" occasionally.)

I also enjoy ping pong ball soccer with mom. (I let her win sometimes. )
My dad is into trains. He puts ropes on boxes and
makes trains for me to ride in from room to room. He makes train sounds for me.
This amuses my humans; so I tolerate their silliness.

I enjoy the wild least watching them. Squirrels run across my pool cage mornings
while I recline on my lounger. I also supervise two sand hill cranes that parade past and honk at me.
Mom met Dr. Monica and Dr. Kate at the community center a few years ago. I had
been very sick for a long time. Nobody could find my problem. They found out what was going on and
have taken very good care of me over the years.

Sometimes I have a spa day there....they give me a lion cut. Then everyone makes a fuss over me.
Sometimes I am a bit of a grump. I have been known to be unappreciative and take a bite at Dr. Kate or her assistants. They think I'm cute; and forgive my rudeness.

I appreciate that they have helped me to have many healthy, happy days with my family.
I am glad to have met all of them. Excuse me; but it's time for my catnap. Cocoa