Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November Pet of the Month: Tinmook

Our Pet of the Month for November is Tinmook Conn-Lai. When Tinmook comes in for a visit, he serenades us with his beautiful singing voice, in typical Siberian Husky fashion!
Tinmook was once very overweight. In 2007, his pet parents entered him in a pet weight loss contest. During the course of the contest he lost over 12 lbs., and won 2nd prize! Tin lost weight the smart way - with proper diet and exercise, under the supervision of his doctors. He has continued to maintain a healthy weight into his senior years.
We are grateful that Tinmook and his pet parents are a part of the Brandt Veterinary Clinic family!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Brandt Veterinary Clinic Featuring Consignment Art

The 5 cat and scenery photos are oil paintings by Lori Ann Carson and represent her cats that our clinic has cared for all their life. The 2 other giclees are by Eleanor Grosch. For more information on either artist or how you can own these, call Brandt Veterinary Clinic at 941-485-1555.

Friday, November 9, 2012


As the weather gets colder, pets may seek shelter in garages or sheds while they’re outside. It’s important to make sure that all dangerous chemicals are stored out of your pet’s reach. Antifreeze especially poses a dangerous threat to pets. If you suspect that your pet has consumed antifreeze, please contact us immediately.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's National Cat Week

It’s National Cat Week, a time to celebrate the beloved feline in your life. Give your cat an extra scratch behind the ears and their favorite treat to show them how much you love them. We want your cat’s week to be just purr-fect.